Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thinking about traveling again!

Our rest and relaxation time at daughter's is slowly drawing to a close. Today, we went over to the church where we parked the MH for 2 nights and brought it back to the house (another night on the street.) So with it available, naturally we've started the process of reloading it. We hope that by taking more time, nothing will be left behind.

Daughter has been feeding us real well and tonight was to be a less elegant meal, with the main course being deviled eggs. Sandy finished the preparation this afternoon and just like when I was a little boy at home, I got to lick the spoon and clean out the bowl. I then left the kitchen, only to hear an unusual reaction from Sandy. I turned around to see her holding the plate of about 15 deviled eggs, with another one out of place on the floor in front of the refrigerator. I guess the eggs still have a bit of life in them yet. The real downer for me was that when I saw it, I busted out laughing (Sandy didn't think it was a laughing matter.) Needless to say, I wiped the smile off of my face and helped her clean up the small mess.

One thing we're really going to miss is the high speed internet connection that we have here. What a joy to click on a link and have it almost instantly appear. I guess that is one of the benefits of having a "sticks and brick" house. Don't draw any conclusions to that comment, as we're in this full time traveling for a long time. (In June, we finished our 15th year of full timing.) One thing we have learned is that most of the stuff we stored in 1994 in our storage trailer isn't very important.

Tomorrow we stop at the Prairie du Chien Walmart to restock the pantry, then on to Effigy Mounds National Monument to have lunch with a friend from Marion that retired last year and has become a full time volunteer at the monument. From there we'll continue on Iowa Highway 9 and find a place to park it for the night, most likely a county park. Saturday we will arrive at Forest City, IA for the annual Winnebago Grand National Rally. We're going in a week early to join the other full timers for some pre-rally fun.


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