Monday, January 25, 2010

Geocaching 101 in the Desert

Geocaching 101 in the Desert

The weather has improved considerably here on the desert since the last blog on Thursday. (Others would say that it was an outstanding solar day for charging our batteries.) The Amateur Radio rally is over and we have also moved to a new location, about a half mile west of where we were. This group is into Geocaching. I thought I knew a little bit about geocaching until I listen to these people start talking. Suddenly, I'm back to square one. I guess that is why we're here.

Sandy continues to nurse her sinus problem that seems to have turned into an upper respiratory something. She does a lot of low volume hacky coughing. Today we went grocery shopping and she bought a different cough syrup, so maybe that will help. I didn't confirm with her, but I also bought some medication that ought to help her coughing (80 proof). Almost as good as white lightening.

For groceries today, we drove over to Blythe, CA, which is just across the river into California. Like so many small towns across America, Blythe is also struggling to hold on. They do have an outstanding Albertson's grocery store. On the way back, we stopped at the local Flying J to top off our fuel tank in the Saturan. We have never been by that place when there was no line and today was no exception. Fuel is about 10 to 15 cents cheaper than in California and most long haul drivers take this last opportunity to top off the tanks.

We have new batteries in our GPS, so perhaps tomorrow we'll learn more about what it is that we came for.


1 comment:

  1. Geocaching is more fun than you would think. An electronic tool that takes you outdoors and requires exercise? What more, is much more fun as a collective sport. Enjoy!!!
