Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Perhaps Spring is here

I think Spring has finally sprung here in Iowa.  At least the temperatures were decent and it was pleasant to be outside. So this morning, we mowed the lawn where the motorhome is parked and then I decided that it was time to burn some wood piles, remains from when some trees were cut down over the winter.

Two of the piles burned nicely.  The third pile didn't start like I expected, so tonight I may be on fire watch duty.  At least that is my guess after an inspection about 30 minutes ago.   I think we're safe, as the grass has been mowed around the pit so it shouldn't be a ground fire.   The wood pile is all of the twigs and branches left when they cut out the main limbs for fire wood.   It is tightly packed, so once it lights, it may be a roaring inferno for a short while.

I mentioned in the last posting that I had a molar and a wisdom teeth pulled on Monday. Surprisingly, I've had very little pain from them.  I watch what I eat and I try to make sure all of the food is sent to the other side.  But then once in a while I forget.   I was intending to keep them for any unknown reason, but in the heat of the battle, I didn't ask for them until I was leaving the office.  The dental assistant said it was too late, they were in the medical waste trash bin, never to be seen again.   It's probably better that way.

While we were laying around in the motorhome, we kept good watch on the three eaglets on the Decorah web cam.   They are really ugly things right now, as they have lots of fuzz and a few feather.  This morning, I told Sandy that a ghost was watching over them.  It didn't take much imagination to look at the tree trunk in the side of the nest to see the white outline of a ghost.  How did it get there?   The eaglets painted it.  They have a unique way of disposing of their body waste.  They put their head down towards the nest center, raise up on their legs and fire away.   A good squirt of body waste goes sailing out over the nest edge, or in some cases onto the tree.   It is natures way of keeping the nest clean.  You can see them at: .


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