Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Life of Leasure

One would think that with the shed construction complete and no other big projects on the way for the lot in Casa Grande, we'd be relaxing.   Well, perhaps some day, but not now. I guess it is like having extra space in the RV; if you have the space, you just have to fill it.  In this case, I gave myself a week to wrap up any remaining details. and the list keeps growing.

Monday I get a vitamin B12 shot; Then we go visit a gravel dealer to order some crushed stone for the lot parking area.  Tuesday we join a park tour to see how cotton is harvested and processed.  Wednesday,  the fellow from the maintenance shop  is going to drill 6 holes in the shed pad to anchor the shed.   Hopefully, the gravel we want will be delivered. Thursday will be the day to have the park tractor level the gravel.  Friday is the day to wrap up what we missed earlier.  Saturday we'll think about leaving, assuming that nothing breaks or bends in the mean time.

A whirl wind went through the middle of our RV and I had to re-stack my flat file system.  In the process, I came across the handout that I picked up at a classmates funeral.  Gerald was a real country boy and enjoyed life to the fullest.  One page of the handout was a saying from the "Old Farmers Almanac"   So you'll see a line per posting for a while.

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull strong.


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